Archive David Fox receives Deming Award

David Fox shakes hands with University of Wyoming President
David Fox shown here shaking hands with the University of Wyoming President Terry Roark
receives his award and personal check from Edwards Deming for “distinguished
performance in his PhD studies”. Photo taken on the occasion of David’s graduation
at the 99th. Commencment Ceremony at the University of Wyoming, May 14 1989.




  • David Fox – recipient of CSIRO’s prestigious Chairman’s Gold Medal Award (1996) – pdf
  • David Fox – talks to Melbourne Water about Eastern Treatment Plant upgrades and long-term future of the Boags Rocks outfall – The Source (A Magazine by Melbourne Water), Issue 16, October 2001 – pdf
  • David Fox – joins Melbourne University, 2002 – UniNews, 11(23), November 2002 – pdf

Totally Wild Episode on Boags Rocks
(click here to go to link)

David Fox with film crew at Melbourne Water’s Eastern Treatment Plant

Filming on location at Boags Rocks (discharge location).

Adelaide Coastal Water Study (ACWS)

Channel 7 Adelaide interview  (5 February 2004)
Channel 10 Adelaide interview (16 January 2004)