Our Principal, Professor David Fox, is a world-renowned expert in the area of statistical ecotoxicology. He has been actively researching and publishing in this domain for over 20 years and has given invited lectures, short-courses, seminars and advice to industry, government, and universities all over the world.

Training / Short Courses

We offer hands-on training in all aspects of statistical science – from introductory to advanced. Our instructors are highly-qualified data scientists and educators who have years of experience in teaching and doing statistics. Our training programs are delivered through our affiliated business VisionAnalytix .

Spatial Statistics

Environmental monitoring programs generate data that is invariably spatially and temporally referenced. Standard modes of statistical analysis and inference impose severe limitations on the ability to satisfactorily describe and model such data. The analysis of spatially-correlated data is non-trivial and requires advanced statistical skills. We offer a range of services to help you get the most out of your spatially-referenced data.

Environmental Risk Assessment

Environmental Risk Assessment or ERA is a  vague term that means different things to different people and entities. Even the term ‘risk’ has multiple definitions. Environmetrics Australia has expertise in the quantification and calculus of ‘risk’. We strive to move your assessments beyond prosaic statements about the presence or absence of an ‘impact’ and instead provide a full and comprehensive analysis of stressors and responses and translate this into a meaningful quantification of both likelihood and consequences.

Statistical Modelling using R

Our data scientists have advanced skills in developing sophisticated mathematical and statistical models of real-world environments. The scope and complexity of these models is such that there are no ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions with each project having its own unique set of challenges and objectives. We use the powerful, open-source R statistical computing environment for all our modelling work. Don’t know what R is – take a look at the video below or jump to the link above to go to our training site.

Advanced Experimental Design

The heart of a good monitoring program is a good statistical design. Haphazard and/or subjective sampling cannot deliver data whose integrity, usefulness, and representativeness is assured. We have many years of experience in the design of monitoring programs ranging in scale and complexity. Our overall objective is to balance competing drivers of cost and precision thus ensuring your final design is robust, fit-for-purpose, cost-effective, and statistically credible.